Author Archives: Alexandra

Follow My Fork Day

In honor of my Tio’s birthday I thought it would be a perfect day to discuss the latest San Diego Follow My Fork day!  If you are new to the blog, my uncle runs an Instagram account called Follow.My.Fork (which you can find here) where he posts all about the really yummy food he eats, mostly around his home in San Diego. He always takes me and my brother on food outings and this last one was my belated birthday gift.

We always do at least a 3 course outing and this was no exception.

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Welcome to Downton | Celebrate with Me

“Life is a game, where the player must appear ridiculous.” – Violet Crawley

Or as close to it as you can get in Southern California, which is apparently in Pasadena.

I turned 24 this weekend. A very strange feeling as I told my cousin, I still feel like it was just yesterday we were playing Hide the Wii remotes on my 13th birthday but here we are. My mother likes to say I have Peter Pan syndrome so the past few years of birthdays realizing I am, in fact, growing up have been very bittersweet.

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Last Minute Halloween Costumes

When Halloween sneaks up on you and you realize that you have yet to figure out a costume. No need to panic. Shop your closet. There are a ton of costumes you can put together if you just get a little creative.

So step right up and I will show you how I shop my own closet to put together 5 Last Minute Halloween Costumes. 

Pooh Bear

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2023 Book Challenge- January Reviews

A new year has begun and so has my yearly Book Challenges. My goal this year is 45 books. I’ve felt that I’ve been spending so much time doing unnecessary things in between work like watching youtube and scrolling when I could be reading so I’m working on filling that time with reading instead.

With the end of January, I am off to a promising start but the problem is, I have very few books on my To-be Read List. In need of recommendations, STAT! Please flood my messages with books you think I need to read and I will add them to the list for this year 🙂 

5 Books read within the first four weeks of 2023. Here is how they were:

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Dublin eats, shops, and sights

In part 2 of the Ireland Diaries, we find ourselves in the heart of Dublin for the sights and eateries of the city. 

Temple Bar

The Temple Bar area is filled with things to do, from nightlife (or so I’ve heard, I am a grandma and go to bed early ;p) to delicious food and shopping. The main Temple Bar building is beautiful with hundreds of string lights, especially at night. The Temple Bar Trading Company has great Ireland souvenirs for all the people in your life. They had some great postcards which I got for my uncles and they had other cool things like shamrock seeds and lots of shamrock-shaped jewelry. 

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles the sequel. A movie about a girl, her grandparents, and a global pandemic shutting down international transportation just at the end of the girls first trip abroad.

Here is the plot twist. It isn’t a movie. It is real life. I am that girl. Those are my grandparents, and that was my trip. 

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Tahoe Times

Summers spent in Lake Tahoe have always been some of my favorite memories. I got to go up with my family last week for a few days and spend some time with my grandparents. I am always quick to recommend checking out South Lake Tahoe because there is so much to do.

There are always certain nonnegotiable items on the to-do list but this year we tried some new things too!

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Getting Styled for a Week by a Fashion Student pt 1

For the blog this week I thought it would be fun to do a challenge. Way back in my sophomore year of High School, this same friend wanted to dress me for a week. (I swear it was the week I got a compliment on my outfit every single day. Since I was wearing something other than a tee, flannel, or sweatshirt with my jeans.) Fast forward about 6 years and she is now a fashion student and I thought it would be fun to have her try and dress me for a week again!

The catch with this challenge this time is I don’t have a full closet of clothes in my dorm and she couldn’t bring me anything. We Facetimed before the week started to compile the list of clothes and the WIFI did NOT play a helpful role in this matter. I think the call dropped no less than 10 times. 

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Lightning Thief Musical, Practically Perfect

‘Look, I didn’t want to be a Halfblood’

I have been a fan of the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series since I was in 5th grade right before the final book came out. When I first learned of the musical I was skeptical. I mean how could I not be after the movie… *shudder* But then I started following along and realized it was nothing like the movies. For one they had a blonde Annabeth. 

So of course when I found out the musical was touring I had to see if I could get tickets and 8 months later I finally got to go.

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