Tag Archives: california travel

How to be a SoCal Tourist

“You guys don’t get out much, do you…” 

As this is an Actual sentence spoken to me, this Summer I wanted to actively see more of the places near me. While more often than not I don’t go more than 20 minutes away when I do I head to San Diego, so this year I decided to head North. Lo and behold, there are a lot of other cool things to do if I dare to venture a little farther from home.

So if you want to adventure around Southern California, these are the things worth your time.

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Welcome to Downton | Celebrate with Me

“Life is a game, where the player must appear ridiculous.” – Violet Crawley

Or as close to it as you can get in Southern California, which is apparently in Pasadena.

I turned 24 this weekend. A very strange feeling as I told my cousin, I still feel like it was just yesterday we were playing Hide the Wii remotes on my 13th birthday but here we are. My mother likes to say I have Peter Pan syndrome so the past few years of birthdays realizing I am, in fact, growing up have been very bittersweet.

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Tahoe Times

Summers spent in Lake Tahoe have always been some of my favorite memories. I got to go up with my family last week for a few days and spend some time with my grandparents. I am always quick to recommend checking out South Lake Tahoe because there is so much to do.

There are always certain nonnegotiable items on the to-do list but this year we tried some new things too!

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