First Third of 2024 Book Reviews!

My energy has been squashed from the last few weeks of the school year. Second graders have been in summer break mode for a month now, so you can imagine what my classroom volume level has been like. (and if you can’t just message me and I will send you an audio recording of it haha) I’m a few books behind, but am still proud I’ve read anything at all.

“The only way to beat death is to chase it.” 

Struck with the same death curse his father, the king, died from just a few days before Red finds himself stuck. Will he have to accept his death, or will he have to learn to trust the very person he blames for his father’s death? The royal sorcerer. 

The magic world-building was fascinating. The royal sorcerers’ magic is tied to their King/Queen’s Truthwell. It was a slow build as this is just the first book in a series, but that was probably the most interesting part of the whole thing. While I did enjoy reading it, I didn’t feel totally invested in the plot because there are many qualities of the two main characters that bothered me. Probably won’t be continuing with this series. 

About three chapters in I wondered to myself why am I still reading this. My friend told me to stop, I could move on, but I’m not a quitter. Giving it a one strictly for my triumph over finishing it alone. And Goodreads won’t let me give it a zero. On that note- 0/10 recommend.

“Pharaoh is not the highest god, and Moses will prove it to him.”

Sold into slavery by her father, young Egyptian Kiya’s story takes place as mysterious plagues strike Egypt. While she, her mistress, and those around her are struck by each one, she finds her fellow Hebrew slave is being spared. She finds herself fleeing Egypt with the Hebrews and now must decide if she will reply on this God too. 

I read this book in all of 3 hours. I enjoyed the storyline and the portrayal of the plagues of Egypt and the trials of the Hebrews in the desert. As well as the journey of Kiya’s faith struggle between the gods of Egypt and the God of the Hebrews. 

That Arthur has not always existed seems odd to me. Like the wind on the moors and the wild winter stars, surely he has always lived . . . and always will.

The third book in the series follows Arthur as he begins his journey toward becoming King of the Summerland. This book is essentially split into 3 books with each told from a different perspective. Pelias, Bedwyr, and Aisein. 

This book had a lot of moments where it felt to drag on and on. Many battles, but I constantly felt like I was waiting for something. It really picked up the last 100 pages and I thought it had a good, yet sudden ending. As with the Arthurian legend, Arthur will return again one day. 

I wished we had insight into Arthur’s POV as everything is told about him from those close to him, but I will likely pick up the next book sometime this year. For now, I need a break from almost 600-page books.

“Death isn’t a habit you develop, you know, like tobacco or whiskey. It only takes once.” 

Biddy has lived on HyBrasil her whole life, with her guardian Rowan, and his rabbit familiar Hutch, but she has never left. Her knowledge of the rest of the world has come from the stories she’s read. But when Rowan goes on his night run to the mainland and doesn’t come back Biddy has to save him and she realizes her dream of going to the mainland may be different than she imagined.

A very fun read. I enjoyed it from start to finish. There were a few plot lines that didn’t feel fully explored nor utilized but I’d recommend it nonetheless.

Saint Padre Pio: In the Footsteps of St. Francis 5/5

Inheritance by Ridley Pearson 2.5/5

Restore by Sr. Miriam James Hyland 5/5

Clean Love in Courtship by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik 5/5

Mysteries of the Rosary by Fr. Gabriel Amorth 5/5

My reading journey feels like I’m forcing my way through knee-deep mud at the moment. Nothing has held my attention long enough for me to sit and read for long bursts of time. I bought a few books for my birthday so hopefully that changes. 

If you have recommendations for some fun fast paced stories I am all ears!

What have you been reading lately? Can you believe it’s the end of MAY?

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Check out: 2023 Book Challenge- January Reviews

2 thoughts on “First Third of 2024 Book Reviews!

  1. Sister Nancy

    Hi Lexi, the variety of books you read is fascinating. Have you read any of Murray Bodo’s on St. Francis? This summer I am facilitating a 4 Book Conversations on Ron Rolheiser’s brief book: “ Prayer- Our Deepest Longing”. I appreciate his profound and practical approach to the spiritual life. Keep up the GOoD reading habit!

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