The Year: 2024
The Goal: 20 Books
The Total: 20 Books Read out of 20, woohoo!
Goal Completed…by the hair of my chinny chin chin. I finished 4 books in December to reach my goal. I would not say 2024 was a great year for books. I was in a GINORMOUS reading slump, but in the end, I stuck it out.
Here’s the complete lineup.
My Favorite Book: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie ⅘
My grandpa has been gifting me lots of Agatha Christie for the past few years. This was one of my first reads of 2024 and became my favorite. I read it in maybe 3 sittings because I just had to know if I would get this one right.
As usual, Agatha Christie doesn’t allow the reader to have any clues to solve the mystery, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun. I liked that each murder lined up with a poem line and that you kept wanting to get to the next one to see it play out.
Would recommend.
The Most Fun to Read: Wrath of the Triple Goddess by Rick Riordan 3.5/5
While not the best Percy Jackson book ever it was my most fun read of the year. Percy Jackson trying to get college recommendations is a much-needed break in the slump of not liking things I read. The extra point five is for making me laugh out loud at some of the character’s ridiculous commentary.
Percy Jackson is a comfort read and never fails. Bonus for me being able to tell my parents I am in-fact reading a NEW book and not just rereading.
The Worst: Beneath the Sand by Katherine L. Bichler ⅕
Feeling like that Instagram sound where it goes “It is so bad, I want to give you a zero, but that’s not possible, so I give you a one.”
I hated almost every second of it. I was complaining to my friend about the atrocity of the writing and how much I disliked every character. She said I should just not finish… but I had to see the train wreck to the end.
-10/10 do not recommend.
The Most Disappointing: Inheritance The Shimmer by Ridley Pearson 1.5/5
The Original Kingdom Keepers series is one of my favorites of all time. I made my mom get up at 5 am to be the first in line for the final books’ book signing if that tells you anything. I even handmade myself a shirt for it, which makes this disappointment all that much more disappointing. The writing was equally as bad as the book above, I need to know who was in charge of editing and why they sucked at their job. It makes me mad just thinking about it. So So disappointed I could cry.
The One I Learned the Most: Litanies of the Heart by Gerry Ken Crete 4/5
Litanies of the Heart discusses the therapeutic approach of ‘parts work’ through a Christian lens to uncover the ‘whys’ behind your wounds and anxieties, big and small. I went to a 3 part Young Adult series at my church where we discussed this book and was so intrigued I bought it the first night. It examines how your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health are interconnected. I enjoyed learning about ‘parts work’ and the ways our experiences shape every part of our lives.
The Complete List by Genre:
Historical Fiction:
Beneath the Sand by Katherine L. Bichler ⅕
Counted with the Stars by Connilyn Cossette 3/5
His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik 3.75/5
Saint Padre Pio: In the Footsteps of St. Francis 5/5
Restore by Sr. Miriam James Hyland 5/5
Clean Love in Courtship by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik 5/5
Mysteries of the Rosary by Fr. Gabriel Amorth 5/5
The Story of a Family: The Home of Saint Therese of Lisieux by Rev. Fr. Stephane-Joseph Piat 5/5
Saints Who Saw Hell by Paul Thigpen 5/5
St. Raphael by Angela Carol 4/5
Blade of Ash by C. F. E Black 3/5
Arthur by Stephen R. Lawhead (#3 in the Pendragon Cycle) 3.5/5
The Magician’s Daughter by H. G Parry 3.5/5
Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson 3/5
Wrath of the Triple Goddess by Rick Riordan 3.5/5
Inheritance The Shimmer by Ridley Pearson 1.5/5
And then there were none by Agatha Christie 4/5
Table for Two by Amor Towles 3.5/5
Swimming with the Whales by Ella Thorp Ellis 2.5/5
Litanies of the Heart by Gerry Ken Crete 4/5
I didn’t read anything that excited me this year. I enjoyed some of the books, but nothing that I felt “WOW” about. Zero fiction books I would give 5/5 that captivated me to the point where I couldn’t put them down, which is always a disappointment. I am hoping that 2025 will be a better year for books. As always, leave all your recommendations below!
Tell me what your favorite or least favorite book of 2024 was!
Check >this< out for more of 2024’s book reviews.
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Alex, you are a wonder! Enjoyed the spectrum of the 20 books you read ‘24. I must admit zi have been doing some “old” reads like right now “Age of Innocence” and enjoying them for their classical calibre much more than I did in high school/college. I am also reading Bishops Barron’s book, “Prayer” and reading/doing “33 Days to Eucharistic Glory”.
Great list , I need to start reading more !