My 2024 in Books

The Year: 2024

The Goal: 20 Books

The Total: 20 Books Read out of 20, woohoo!

Goal Completed…by the hair of my chinny chin chin. I finished 4 books in December to reach my goal. I would not say 2024 was a great year for books. I was in a GINORMOUS reading slump, but in the end, I stuck it out.

Here’s the complete lineup.

My grandpa has been gifting me lots of Agatha Christie for the past few years. This was one of my first reads of 2024 and became my favorite. I read it in maybe 3 sittings because I just had to know if I would get this one right.  

As usual, Agatha Christie doesn’t allow the reader to have any clues to solve the mystery, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun. I liked that each murder lined up with a poem line and that you kept wanting to get to the next one to see it play out. 

Would recommend.

While not the best Percy Jackson book ever it was my most fun read of the year. Percy Jackson trying to get college recommendations is a much-needed break in the slump of not liking things I read. The extra point five is for making me laugh out loud at some of the character’s ridiculous commentary.

Percy Jackson is a comfort read and never fails. Bonus for me being able to tell my parents I am in-fact reading a NEW book and not just rereading. 

Feeling like that Instagram sound where it goes “It is so bad, I want to give you a zero, but that’s not possible, so I give you a one.” 

I hated almost every second of it. I was complaining to my friend about the atrocity of the writing and how much I disliked every character. She said I should just not finish… but I had to see the train wreck to the end. 

-10/10 do not recommend.

The Original Kingdom Keepers series is one of my favorites of all time. I made my mom get up at 5 am to be the first in line for the final books’ book signing if that tells you anything. I even handmade myself a shirt for it, which makes this disappointment all that much more disappointing. The writing was equally as bad as the book above, I need to know who was in charge of editing and why they sucked at their job. It makes me mad just thinking about it. So So disappointed I could cry.  

Litanies of the Heart discusses the therapeutic approach of ‘parts work’ through a Christian lens to uncover the ‘whys’ behind your wounds and anxieties, big and small. I went to a 3 part Young Adult series at my church where we discussed this book and was so intrigued I bought it the first night. It examines how your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health are interconnected. I enjoyed learning about ‘parts work’ and the ways our experiences shape every part of our lives. 

Historical Fiction:

Beneath the Sand by Katherine L. Bichler ⅕

Counted with the Stars by Connilyn Cossette 3/5

His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik 3.75/5


Saint Padre Pio: In the Footsteps of St. Francis 5/5

Restore by Sr. Miriam James Hyland 5/5

Clean Love in Courtship by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik 5/5

Mysteries of the Rosary by Fr. Gabriel Amorth 5/5

The Story of a Family: The Home of Saint Therese of Lisieux by Rev. Fr. Stephane-Joseph Piat 5/5

Saints Who Saw Hell by Paul Thigpen 5/5

St. Raphael by Angela Carol 4/5


Blade of Ash by C. F. E Black 3/5

Arthur by Stephen R. Lawhead (#3 in the Pendragon Cycle) 3.5/5

The Magician’s Daughter by H. G Parry 3.5/5

Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson 3/5

Wrath of the Triple Goddess by Rick Riordan 3.5/5

Inheritance The Shimmer by Ridley Pearson 1.5/5


And then there were none by Agatha Christie 4/5

Table for Two by Amor Towles 3.5/5

Swimming with the Whales by Ella Thorp Ellis 2.5/5


Litanies of the Heart by Gerry Ken Crete 4/5

I didn’t read anything that excited me this year. I enjoyed some of the books, but nothing that I felt “WOW” about. Zero fiction books I would give 5/5 that captivated me to the point where I couldn’t put them down, which is always a disappointment. I am hoping that 2025 will be a better year for books. As always, leave all your recommendations below! 

Tell me what your favorite or least favorite book of 2024 was!

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2 thoughts on “My 2024 in Books

  1. Sister Nancy

    Alex, you are a wonder! Enjoyed the spectrum of the 20 books you read ‘24. I must admit zi have been doing some “old” reads like right now “Age of Innocence” and enjoying them for their classical calibre much more than I did in high school/college. I am also reading Bishops Barron’s book, “Prayer” and reading/doing “33 Days to Eucharistic Glory”.

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