2023 crawled and flew at the same time. Now I’ve blinked and we are in the middle of January 2024! How crazy is that? To start the year let’s take a look back at 2023 Highlights and talk about some goals for 2024!
2023 the Best of
Turned 24
and was surprised with a Downton Themed Birthday outing you can read all about it here

Choreographed a Waltz
My little cousin turned FIFTEEN! Still can’t believe that. O.o
She had a quinceañera and I choreographed her Waltz. It was really fun to watch them perform after all our hard work. It may have been 110 degrees that day but we still got all dressed up and danced all night.
I learned to cook.
Not that I was a bad cook before, but after needing to make a lot of diet changes last year cooking my meals became a necessity. My favorite thing I made so far was homemade Butternut Squash sauce for pasta.
Saw the Jonas Brothers!
Took my mom to Vegas with me so we could watch the Jonas Brothers! It was so so much fun. I have always wanted to see them live and this tour was perfect because they played their hits from ALL their albums.

Chopped my hair
Didn’t chicken out and ACTUALLY cut about a foot off of my hair. Styling short curls has been an adventure but I am starting to really like it.

Dressed up as Anastasia for Halloween.
How PERFECT was this dress??

Family Niner Game
We haven’t gone to a game all together since I was in High School. We had a great time with a Niner WIN!

Was a lead in a Musical
I was Clara in a brand new production, “Nutcracker the Mousical”. It was really fun to perform and be a lead again. Singing Tchaikovsky is probably the hardest music I have ever done but it pushed me vocally in such a great way.

Some Goals for 2024
I LOVE my Hydrow rower, it is my favorite workout. I want to hit my next Hydrow milestone of 500,000 meters, rowing 2-3 times a week. I am currently at 330,000 and if I don’t get lazy I think I can do it!
I want to read 35 books this year, with at least 5 being non-fiction. Smaller than my usual goal but I want to prioritize quality books.
Fingers crossed. This is the year I cash in my Graduation trip.
I got a Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea book and I would LOVE to spend the year trying to make things from it every month.
The Blog
Minimum of 3 posts a month. If I include Monthly Favs and Downton Cooking posts I can do that easily… I hope. I want to get back into writing, fingers crossed again. haha
What are some things YOU are hoping to do this year?