Hello, Summer Goals! So here’s the gist

Summer is in full swing and after taking a month to relax and wind down after the school year I am getting antsy. Here is what I am most hoping to accomplish in the next 6 weeks before I go back to work.

My reading goal has not been going lol So I hope to read at least 4 books before work begins again. I am about 40 pages away from finishing one book and hoping that the next few books I choose will be great enough to fly through. Fingers crossed.

Since the school year has ended I realized… I don’t have any hobbies. With even reading feeling disinteresting I am now on the hunt for a hobby or two.

What are some things you think I should try?? 

We have just about 3 and a half weeks until the greatest test of Fulton’s life. A road trip. To say I am nervous would be downplaying it. I would prefer his ability to stay for long periods when told and most of all, to get in and out of the car himself. He is a big dog therefore dragging him into the car is not my favorite pastime. So there will be lots of bribery over the next month to convince him these things are good. But isn’t he just adorable? 

“I am going to try and make new recipes!” she says to herself and then is too lazy to do so. The small goal: Try out THREE new recipes. In the meantime, I am just plating my normal meals as though they could be judged on a cooking competition. haha

I have been saying I wanted to go to a Drive-In movie for years now, this is the year I do it, I can feel it! I’ve also been eyeing the yearly Pageant of the Masters event and I am going! Stay tuned for how these events are. 

What are you planning to do this Summer?

Let’s Be Friends!

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